Saturday, April 24, 2010


dear...this is a meaningful article, but you don't understand what it means....





男子和女孩-爱情需要理解 那天下着毛毛细雨,天很暗,许多对情侣在街上打着伞走过,走过男孩和女孩的身边,女孩流着泪,男孩在女喊身旁一言不发,男孩是因为别人送了女孩一件礼物,女孩很高兴,拿出来给男孩看,男孩看了不高兴,因为男孩认为女孩只属于他,虽然知道女孩会永远跟着他,知道那个人只是好心,但是男孩很怪,还是说了女孩,女孩气了,男孩看见女孩气了,更加生气了,心中一股烈火不知道往哪里发,男孩有说了女孩,女孩的泪更加多了,比天空中的雨滴得还快,之后,一片沉寂,男孩还是像以前那样,向女孩道歉,女孩推开男孩的手,男孩又上前握住女孩,女孩再一次推开了男孩的手......最后,女孩对男孩说了一句话:“你好过分!”男孩听了,转身就走了,女孩一个人站在街头淋着雨,流着泪......男孩走了,他是气了,真的气了.男孩独自走的回家的路上,他想哭!他一肚子的话不知从何说起,男孩知道是他不对,知道不应该伤女孩的心,让女孩流泪,他心也很疼!但男孩还是走了,头也不回的走了,他的心里在想什么,没有人知道,也许连他自己也不知道,男孩想问,这世上有谁能真正了解他,体会他,男孩很痛苦,比女孩痛苦,因为女孩只是在生气,在伤心,在流泪,而男孩,谁也不知道.男孩想的事情太多了,对女孩,他不知道是歉意,还是什么。他想女孩,真正想让女孩幸福,让女孩开心,不让她流泪。但是,男孩还是让她伤心了,流泪了,他不知道怎么办,不知道自己在想什么,也不知道他会怎样,只知道一个人走,淋着雨,心在燃烧,一个人在等,淋着雨,心在流泪......


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


22.4.10 ( thursday)
"I won't hurt you my dear, I promise you with my love.

I only will care, and love you everyday.
I like her playing with my hairs, hugging me. taking care of me.. Hmm.. That's sweet and lovely..

It's almost 1 month we've been together.. Love her so much.

Back here, I started to miss her already, her voice, her laughs, everything..
3 weeks for not seeing each other..
I think it's alright.. We're gonna make a perfect bonding after that... :D

I just want my dear to know that I love her so much. It's for the first time I'm so deep in love with someone..
You're my only one.. Love you, heart you forever. Muackss. "

WHEN i saw tis blog..... (When I saw his blog)
I feel very hapiness gt his love....^^ (I feel happiness to have his love)
I know im not perfect sweetheart....(I know I'm not a perfect sweetheart)
let dear get hurt always......(Letting my dear got hurt)
actually when i saw him like tat, my heart wil feel pain wil cause me bad mood all the day....T.T
(Actually, when I saw him acting like that, my heart felt pain too, It'll caused me to have a bad mood all the day.)

Sometime im arguing wif him on purpose...(Sometimes I argued with him on purpose)
heeeeeeee^^coz i like saw him try 2 make me laugh.....(Because I like to see him trying to make me laugh)
that's cute enough.....^o^ (Bravo! Correct)
made me heart sweet sweet always.....muackxxxxxx (Made my heart sweet always..)

I like saw his smile because he has smile face......(I like to see him smile because he has a smilling face)
I like talking with him because i like listen his voice...(I like talking to him because I like to listen to his voice)
I like his hugging because i feel warmth....(Hehe.. ^^)
I like him hold my hand, let me feel that feeling of safety.....(I like him holding my hands, letting me feel the safety)

I dislike him smoking always because is harmful to his body...(I dislike him to smoke frequently because it is harmful to his body)

I won't force him to stop smoke immediately because i know is hard for him....(add a 'it' after know)
but i will try to control him avoid smoke too much....(but I will try and control him from smoking too much)

I just want my dear to know that i LOVE him too....
I'm savings all my love for u....^^muackxxxx

(Reedited by Dear Dear) ^^

special day^^


is a date where I'll remember always.........

It's the beginning of a sweet memory with my dear......
